Terms A-Z

This glossary contains definitions of the terms from the topic areas Education, Science, Research and Innovation, and is regularly updated. The glossary terms are alphabetically ordered.

Percentage of first-year students

The percentage of first-year students (first enrolment) in any given year group is an important indicator for higher education ... planning.


Percentage of people qualified to enter higher education

The number of people qualified to enter higher education as a percentage of the relevant age group is calculated on the basis ... of the average figure for 17-to-under-20-year-olds (in Länder with 12 years of schooling) or 18-to-under-21-year-olds (in Länder with 13 years of schooling) among residents with and without German nationality.


Percentage of people who pursue higher education

This refers to the share of school-leavers qualified to enter higher education in any given year group who have already started ... a degree course or have the firm intention of starting one. It is calculated on the basis of a representative survey by Hochschul-Informations-System GmbH. In addition to this group (people with a firm intention of pursuing higher education), people who are not yet sure about going to university or are considering it as an alternative can also be factored in. A maximum percentage is calculated in this way.


Private non-profit institutions (PNP sector)

In national reporting, this sector includes non-profit organizations mainly financed by government (e.g. the Helmholtz Association ... of German Research Centres (HGF), the Max Planck Society (MPG) or the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG)) and private non-profit organizations financed neither mainly by the government nor mainly by the private sector and not primarily serving business enterprises.
