iABE – Integrated reporting on vocational training
Integrated reporting on vocational training brings together various official statistics to give an overview of the paths young people’s lives take and of vocational training pursued after leaving general schools.
A comprehensive system of (educational) sectors and accounts (qualification pathways) describes the programmes available above lower secondary level. Vocational education and training opportunities are categorized according to four (educational) sectors:
"Vocational training" (objective: full vocational qualification): A full vocational qualification is the foundation for entering and remaining in employment and for the ability to shape one’s own career.
"Integration into training (transition system)" (objective: vocational training): Integration measures serve to prepare young people for – and place them in – vocational training. It includes a wide range of programmes and measures, most of them publicly financed.
"Higher education entrance qualifications" (objective: acquiring a higher education entrance qualification): A higher education entrance qualification enables people to pursue higher education or vocational training.
"Academic degree programmes" (objective: higher education degree): A higher education degree is the foundation for high-level employment.